The Walnut Creek Model Railroad Society (WCMRS) operates the Diablo Valley Lines (DVL) model railroad, one of the most mountainous and one of the largest exclusively HO scale model railroads in the United States. This model railroad features standard gauge, narrow gauge, and interurban (overhead electric) freight and trolley lines.
At our public shows we invite you to view our permanent 34'x56' [1,904² ft] layout. The DVL is comprised of approximately 4,300 feet of hand laid track on more than 175,000 individual ties with over 240 turnouts. The model railroad is contained in a purpose-built building designed and constructed by the club members. Diablo Valley Lines is viewable from the 160' perimeter that includes multiple elevated viewing platforms.
Please visit our Photo Galleries to see more of our railroad.
WCMRS membership is always open to those 18 or older with an interest in HO Scale model railroading. Membership in the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) is required as we are a 100% NMRA Club. Please see a Club Member for an application. WCMRS is also home to the Boy Scouts of America Venture Crew #4449 for Scouts ages 14-18.
For general membership information please visit the Membership page.
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